Homer, the Bible, and Beyond.
Literary and Religious Canons in the Ancient World
Редакторы : Finkelberg M., Stroumsa G.G.Приняли участие : Cancik H., Chapman S., Finkelberg M., Grottanelli C., Halbertal M., Lamberton R., Markschies C., Pelliccia H., Plaks A., Shaked Sh., Sivan H., Stern D., Stroumsa G.G., Vardi A., Veldhuis N.Год :2003 Количество страниц :293 Язык :Английский Категория :+ Не только о гнозисе Скачать : PdfПоддержать :
This work discusses the processes of canon-formation in societies of the ancient world, addressing such issues as canon and the articulation of identity, the hermeneutical attitude toward canonical texts, and textual fixity and openness.